Deploying temporary teams for brands has long been the solution to retail’s Golden Quarter. But what if you could drive ROI all year round from field staff?

In the frantic world of retail, the peak season can feel like a relentless sprint towards a finish line for many retailers. From training staff on delivering in-store demos to bringing them up-to-date across entire product ranges, the investment that goes into preparing a team of product experts ahead of the Golden Quarter is significant.

But what happens when the decorations come down and the Boxing Day sales have come to an end?

The truth is, a high-performing field team is a valuable asset all year round, not just during the holidays. This article explores why investing in your physical retail team is crucial for long-term omnichannel success.

We’ll delve into maximising the return on your training investment, fostering brand advocacy within your team, and building strategic partnerships that unlock new opportunities. Finally, we’ll explore Stellar’s five pillars for building exceptional retail teams.

Maximising Your Training Investment

Training a skilled and knowledgeable physical retail team does require an upfront investment. The good news is, however, that you can ensure a healthy return on your investment by incorporating this training as a part of your long-term omnichannel strategy.

Traditionally, field sales staff are often seen as a temporary solution to help bolster your stores and physical retail spaces during the busy Christmas season. The question is, why not maximise the investment you’ve put into training and leverage the talent you have already cultivated during the rest of the year?

At Stellar, our field team product experts are meticulously trained to not only answer customer questions but also to deliver product demonstrations and build rapport with shoppers. This expertise translates into increased sales and customer satisfaction, both online and in-store. What’s more, data from Salesforce tells us that 92% of consumers are more likely to buy again after a positive customer service experience.

Consider the impact on your bottom line. A well-trained team can effectively upsell and cross-sell products, leading to increased average order value. Additionally, their product knowledge translates to fewer returns and exchanges, saving your business time and money.

The benefits extend beyond immediate sales. When customers receive exceptional service and product recommendations from knowledgeable staff, they’re more likely to leave positive reviews and return for future purchases. This builds brand loyalty and trust, a critical factor in today’s competitive retail landscape.

Building Brand Advocates

A well-trained field team doesn’t just answer questions and process transactions; they become brand advocates. By empowering your staff with in-depth product knowledge and fostering a genuine passion for the brand they represent, you create a powerful force for customer engagement.

Our focus, at Stellar, has always been on creating product experts who not only deliver exceptional customer service but also become trusted advisors for the brands we work with. Imagine a customer walking into your store looking for a new running shoe. A knowledgeable team member can not only recommend the right trainers based on the customer’s needs but also share their own experiences and insights about the product.

This personalised approach builds trust and creates a positive emotional connection with the brand. The customer leaves feeling confident in their purchase and more likely to recommend your brand to others.

Delivering Year-Round Value

The benefits of a strong field team extend far beyond the peak shopping season. In today’s omnichannel environment, a seamless customer experience is key. A knowledgeable and enthusiastic retail team can provide consistent and valuable customer service, both in physical stores and online. This “always-on” approach ensures that customers receive the support they need, whenever and wherever they choose to interact with your brand.

For instance, a customer might be browsing a product online but has questions before making a purchase. A well-trained retail team member can offer assistance through live chat or video conferencing, providing the same level of personalised service as in-store interactions. This seamless integration between online and offline channels creates a cohesive shopping experience and encourages customers to purchase with confidence.

Furthermore, a strong field team can play a crucial role in collecting valuable customer data. By having insightful conversations with customers, retail teams can gather feedback on products, identify emerging trends, and gain crucial insights into customer preferences. This information is invaluable for optimising your marketing strategies, product offerings, and overall customer experience.

Unlocking New Opportunities

Investing in long-term, strategic partnerships with your field teams unlocks a wealth of new opportunities. A well-trained and motivated team is constantly seeking ways to improve and grow. By fostering a collaborative environment and providing opportunities for feedback and innovation, you can leverage the collective intelligence of your team to identify new sales channels, optimise product offerings, and enhance the overall customer experience.

Field sales staff have their ear to the ground and can notice trends, such as a recurring customer request for a product not currently offered. By bringing this to the attention of management, they can initiate conversations around developing new product lines to meet customer needs. This proactive approach demonstrates the value of your retail team and allows them to be part of the growth and success of the brand.

Building Exceptional Retail Teams with Stellar

At Stellar, we understand the power of exceptional retail teams. That’s why we’ve built our approach around five core pillars:

  • TALENT: we source and recruit the best people, those who possess a genuine passion for retail and the brands they’ll represent.
  • MANAGEMENT: we invest in our people by providing ongoing training to equip them with all the knowledge and skills they need to excel.
  • DEVELOPMENT: we foster a culture of continuous learning and offer exciting development opportunities for people to further their careers.
  • COMMUNITY: we create a positive and inclusive work environment that our teams can feel proud to be a part of.
  • REWARD: we recognise and reward exceptional performance, ensuring our teams feel appreciated and motivated.

By investing in your team of product experts, you’re investing in the future of your brand. A strong field sales team is not just a seasonal asset; it’s the foundation for long-term omnichannel success.

Hear How We Have Helped Brands and Retailers

“We have successfully distinguished between education and sales training. This differentiation has resulted in increased conversion rates, which we can now monitor and track in real-time using Stellar’s advanced reporting system. These tools empower us to customise performance metrics to encourage the specific behaviours that align with our current business requirements.”

— Toni Borthwick, Sales Director, Therabody

“The team on the Therabody Concession are absolutely fantastic… the best on the 5th Floor and one of my easiest teams to support which is always appreciated!”

— Charlotte Rogers, Retail Manager, Harrods

“Throughout my time overseeing the small electrical dept, I have built up strong working relationships with the Sage Kitchen Appliances team. The team have always communicated to me on a weekly basis about any stock issues, promos coming up or any new lines that have come in. They regularly keep on top of the stock levels and ensure that the tickets are accurate and will seek help from the operations team if required.
It has been such a benefit having the team here at Cheadle as it has allowed partners to have 1-1 training with the team which has helped partners increase their own product knowledge and increased sales.
Customers thrive on having a personal demo and full sales experience by the sage team due to their in-depth product knowledge and the advice that they give which has definitely led to a higher increase in sales.”

— Sabiha Shaikh, Team Manager Cookshop, Utility and Small Electrical, John Lewis & Partners

Ready to build a high-performing retail team that delivers results all year round?

Contact Stellar today to learn more about our unique approach and how we can help you achieve your retail goals.


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