60% of customers are hesitant to spend over £250 without a hands-on understanding of a product.

Product demonstrations have long been recognised as a potent tool for product launches and sales growth. But in today’s experience-led world, their importance is amplified.

From boosting brand awareness and increasing customer interaction to building a community and reaching new perspectives, here we highlight some of the benefits of product demonstrations for brands.

What is an online or in-store product demo?

A product demonstration is an interactive showcase designed to highlight a product’s features, benefits, and value proposition to potential customers.

As a pivotal moment in the sales journey, product demos allow you to transform interested leads into enthusiastic buyers.

Showcase product insights

Product demonstrations provide the perfect platform to illuminate product features, benefits, and USPs. By bringing products to life through in-store demos and online support, brands can create lasting impressions and drive conversions.

These demonstrations are your opportunity to dispel doubts, highlight problem-solving solutions, and inspire customers to envision themselves benefiting from your product.

Boost Brand Awareness

In an era of information overload, in-store demos offer a refreshing opportunity for genuine engagement. Whether in-store or online, these experiences create memorable moments that resonate with consumers. And the ability to tailor demonstrations to individual needs fosters a sense of personalisation, building trust and loyalty.

As the retail world evolves, so too do the channels for product demonstrations. The rise of video-first technologies has opened doors to virtual experiences that bring the storefront to the consumer’s home, and meet customers where they are.

A great example of this is our work with Sage Appliances to form Sage Studios – a space where highly skilled product experts broadcast product demonstrations and deliver 1:1 customer support via video chat.

This hybrid approach, combining physical and digital elements, maximises reach and engagement.

Reach New Perspectives

Product demonstrations have the power to ignite conversations and create communities around products. By sharing expertise and fostering interaction, brands can position themselves as thought leaders and generate valuable word-of-mouth.

In the post-pandemic era, consumers seek authentic connections and experiences. While online demos are effective when done right, in-store demos offer a unique opportunity to address this demand. By leveraging both in-store and online platforms, brands can reach diverse audiences and build lasting relationships.

Increased Interaction

Product demonstrations empower sales teams to provide exceptional customer service. By offering in-depth product knowledge and personalised guidance, they help consumers make confident purchase decisions.

Today’s consumers are savvier than ever. They research online and expect seamless in-store experiences. Online and in-store demos bridge this gap by offering both information and interaction. By understanding and catering to this omnichannel behaviour, brands can optimise their sales strategies.

84 per cent of shoppers would feel more inclined to buy from a brand again after a brand experience because they feel safe in the knowledge that the next time they are in the market for a related product, they would have the chance to try it first.

Do you have a product demonstration idea in mind?

Product demos are more than just sales tactics; they’re strategic investments in brand building and customer satisfaction. By combining compelling product showcases with engaging experiences, brands can meet their customers where they are, and offer premium buying experiences that deliver results.

Are you ready to unlock the benefits of product demonstrations? Get in touch with the Stellar team today.


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